Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
no i was not beating my child. i was gone friday and the first story i get was ian was playing on the stairs and missed a step hitting his eye with his knee. sunday i find out the real story...it involved jumping on the couch, big brother pulling legs and voila....knee to eye! nice shiner.
of course i had to get another pic with great grams and gramps. they are so cute
Thursday, March 5, 2009
okay, so i have these two chairs. they are in great condition and so comfy but....a little out dated and not exactly the color i want for the office/sitting room. problem is i know the above is what it looks like now and below is what i want them to look like. i do not sew well, but have lots of ambition. i am nervous about attempting this one on my own. HELP!!!!!!!! anyone have any ideas, ever done this or know anyone who could give pointers???
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
so this is a moms proud day. austin received the priesthood and mom cried. almost everyone was there!!! he even shed some tears. it was so great. he quoted the 13th article of faith when he was sustained in sacrement meeting. so proud of him.
afterward we had the fam over for the yearly superbowl gathering and birthday celebrations for austin, christopher and my cute little 1 year old nephew cohen. he was loving the cake as you can tell and christened my kitchen floor to prove it.
they are getting so big and i am getting sooo old. my boys arent babies anymore..tear...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
and again and again and again......
getting bumps and bruises is a plus for boys. "this is the cool move i was doing when i got this!" awesome...lets do it again...